Friday, 24 June 2016

Open Letter to Boris Johnson

24 June.  An open Letter to Boris Johnson MP
Dear Boris and your fellow Brexiters.
Congratulations.  Well done. You’ve won the vote to take us out of the EU. I hope you’re proud of yourselves.  As I write this the pound is in free-fall, financial markets have crashed, billions have been wiped off the value of British companies, the Prime Minister has resigned, the Scots look set to reopen demands for independence (who can blame them – they voted to remain) while  nationalists in Northern Ireland are already agitating for unification with the Republic.  Furthermore, financial experts are warning about stagflation, recession, growing unemployment and rising mortgages.
I was proud of my 20 year son, out on the streets of Hastings and his university town, handing out “I’m In” stickers and “Remain” leaflets.  He could see clearly where his future and that of his country lay.  As could so many other young people.  But it was you and Farage, whipping up the fears of older voters, that have overridden the wishes of the next generation – a  Dad’s Army of has-beens re-evoking the spirit of the Blitz, harking back to ‘Plucky little Britain’ standing alone against the enemy across the Channel.
But the most egregious of your claims was that the EU is fundamentally ‘undemocratic’ and that we were being ruled by ‘unelected bureaucrats’.  Quite apart from evidence this is factually wrong, I would urge you to take the beam out of your own eye before banging on about the mote in Europe’s.
Throughout the campaign you denigrated these ‘bureaucrats’,  but just look at the figures.  The EU has 55,000 civil servants managing the affairs of 28 countries.  Britain has 440,000 civil servants managing the affairs of just one.
Perhaps you were talking about the ‘unelected’ European Commission. But every EU Commissioner is appointed by the democratically elected government of their country. The Council of Ministers consists of politicians democratically elected by voters in their own country.  The third tier of the EU, the Parliament consists of MEPs directly elected by all of us.
Consider for a minute how that compares to the democratic structure of your Little Britain.  We have a wholly unelected, hereditary, head of state. Half of our parliament is wholly unelected - in fact mainly appointed by the political patronage of a prime minister.  And we have our main parliamentary chamber invariably elected on a minority of the popular vote.  What proportion of ‘the people’ voted for your government?  Just 35%. Meaning that very nearly two-thirds of the electorate voted AGAINST you. Yet you still got in, with the result that the toxic infighting within your own party has now consigned our country to financial and political isolation.
And while we’re talking about the ‘democratic deficit’ just how is the new Prime Minister to succeed Mr Cameron going to be elected – or should I say ‘appointed’?  Only Conservatives will have any say. Tory MPs (who, as we have seen, a massive majority of the country did NOT vote for) will select two candidates and then one will be ‘chosen’ by members of your political party.  And that person becomes MY prime minister!  It’s an absolute farce that makes the EU look almost like a model of Athenian democracy.
So how are you proposing to persuade my son, who was motivated to get out of bed and campaign in the referendum, that it will ever be worth his while voting again?  If you are going to take us out of Europe, then Boris I suggest you start by reforming your own country’s antiquated and utterly unfair ‘democratic’ process.