Countryside Column
for 16 May.
Steaking Out
Better Farming Practices
I popped into a pub in Hawkhurst the other day. No particular surprise there I hear you
say. But, like me, you might have found what
was happening down in the far corner of the dining area a little unusual. A man
was cutting up large chunks of beef on a wooden butcher’s block. Customers seemed to be lining up for them.
What was going on? Had the pub manager got a little something going on the
side? I’ve heard of some pubs housing a village post office, but a butcher’s
The solution soon became clear when, a short while later, I spotted
a waitress bringing a large cooked steak out of the kitchen. Diners had clearly
been choosing their cut straight from the carcass. What better or more direct
way of sourcing your food could there possibly be? And a little further enquiry
elicited that the beef cattle in question had been raised on a farm just a
couple of miles distant.
In fact the farm owns one of the village’s two butchers shops which it
supplies almost entirely from its own livestock. According to the farmer and proprietor,
Andy Clark, this ensures you really do know where your Sunday joint has come
from. The emphasis, he says, is to give stock a
pleasant life with minimal stress. For the customer it means the emphasis is on
traditional, grass fed, free-range animals and the best animal welfare
All of which must be good
news and will do the image of farming no harm at all. It is, in my view, a
profession that urgently requires some serious public relations attention. People
may rely on farmers to provide their food but they do not love them. Over the
years they’ve seen hedges grubbed up; woodland areas denuded; rivers polluted
by pesticides and slurry; ugly barns erected with minimal planning oversight;
larger and larger tractors and harvesters clogging up country lanes – the list
goes on and on.
Yet the countryside that
people round here so venerate and vehemently protect is largely a result of
farming and farming practices. So it’s particularly encouraging when farmers
seem to be going out of their way to be ‘user friendly’ and to be caring for the
environment of which they are so intrinsically a part.
Now, when is steak night at
that pub? I think I may have to arrange another visit.